Tuesday 2 October 2012




Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010 PDF , 3 Vols. with One Supplement (Addendum 2008)

This new edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010 PDF entitled Indian Pharmacopoeia 2007 has been prepared
by the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) in accordance with a plan and completed through the untiring efforts of its members and its Secretariat over a period of about two years. This is the fifth edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia after independence. It supersedes the 1996 edition but any monograph of the earlier edition that does not figure in this edition continues to be official as stipulated in the second schedule of the drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
The Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010 PDF is presented in three volumes. Volume I contains the general notices, preface, the structure of the IPC, acknowledgements, introduction, and the general chapters. Volume 2 deals with the general monographs on drug substances, dosage forms and pharmaceutical aids (A to M). Volume 3 Contains Monographs on drug substances, dosage forms and pharmaceutical aids (N to Z) followed by monographs on vaccines and immunosera for human use, herbs and herbal products, blood and blood related products, biotechnology products and veterinary products. 
INDIAN PHARMACOPOEIA 2010 PDF The scope of the pharmacopoeia has been extended to include products of biotechnology, indigenous herbs and herbal products, viral vaccines and additional antiretroviral drugs and formulations, inclusive of commonly used fixed-dose combinations. Standards for veterinary drugs and products that were published as a supplement to the previous edition of the Indian pharmacopoeia now form an integral part of this compendium. In an effort to make the pharmacopoeia more user-friendly, a drastic change has been made in the design of the texts of the monographs and of the test methods. Cross-referencing has been a avoided to make each monograph complete in itself thus making it convenient to the analyst performing the tests and to the ones checking the results of analyses. The multiplicity of fonts in the texts that was feature of earlier editions has been done away with making it easier to read the contents and ensuring uniformity of presentation of the subject matter. To assure the health care professionals patients and consumers of the standards of drug in India the Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Shri Naresh Dayal who is also the Chairman of Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission released the Addendum 2008 to the Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) 2007. The Addendum contains amendments to IP 2007 and adds 73 new monographs on different therapeutic groups representing synthetic, herbals and biological drugs. While the amendments to the IP 2007 will come into force with immediate effect, the new monographs will become effective from 1st July 2009 (ISBN : 8190343653)

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3


United States Pharmacopoeia / NF FreeDownload

United States Pharmacopoeia Free Download
USP NF Free Download
United States Pharmacopoeia / NF Free Download
United States Pharmacopoeia 32 / National Formulary 27 Free Download

The United States Pharmacopeia–National Formulary and its Supplements become official six months after being released to the public. The USP–NF, which is released on November 1 of each year, becomes official on May 1 of the following year.

This change was adopted to give users more time to bring their methods and procedures into compliance with new and revised USP–NF requirements.

The table below describes the new official dates. The 2008 USP31–NF26, and the Supplements and Interim Revision Announcements (IRAs) to that edition, will be official until May 1, 2009, at which time the USP32–NF27 becomes official.

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United States Pharmacopoeia 32 / National Formulary 27 Free Download

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Author: British Pharmacopeial Commission | Publisher: Stationery Office Publication Date: 2008 | ISBN-13: 978-0113227990 | PDF: 91,3 Mb

British Pharmacopoeia

The British Pharmacopoeia 2011 is published for the Health Ministers of the United Kingdom on the recommendation of the Commission on Human Medicines in accordance with section 99(6) of the
Medicines Act 1968 and notified in draft to the European Commission in accordance with Directive 98/34/EEC.
The British Pharmacopoeia 2011 Free Download Here
The monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (as amended by Supplements published by the Council of Europe) are reproduced either in the British Pharmacopoeia or in the associated edition of the British Pharmacopoeia (Veterinary). The British Pharmacopoeia 2011 Free Download Here.

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Author: Council of Europe European (COE) - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM) | 16/07/2007 | ISBN-13: 9789287165091 | PDF | 239 Mb
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 Free Download Pharmacognosy C.K.Kokate
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Free Download Pharmacognosy By C.K.Kokate

1. General Introduction, A) History, Definition and Scope of Pharmacognosy B) Traditional and Alternative System of Medicine. C) Classification of Crude Drugs. D) Scheme for Pharmacognostic studies of a Crude Drug. 2. Introduction to parts of Medicinal Plant 3. Cultivation Collection and Processing of Herbal Drugs. 4.Cultivation and Utilisation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India. A) Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India. B) Indian Trade in Medicinal and Aromatic. Plants. 5. Medicinal Plant Biotechnology. A) Genetics as applied to Medicinal Herbs and Transgenic Plants. B) Plant tissue culture as source of Biomedicinals. C) Introduction to Biogenesis of Phytopharmaceuticals. 6. Analytical Pharmacognosy. A) Drugs Adulteration. B) Methods of Drug evaluation. C) Biological Testing of Herbal Drugs. D) Phytochemical investigations. 7. Carbohydrates and derived products 8. Drugs containing Glycosides 9. Drugs containing Tannins. 10. Lipids (Fixed Oils, Fats and Waxes) 11. Terpenoids. A) Volatile oils and others. Terpenoid Drugs. 12. Enzymes and Protein Drugs. 13. Alkaloidal Drug. 14. Phytopharmaceuticals, Restrospect and Prospect. 15. Marine Drugs 16. Nutraceuticals and Cosmaceuticals. 17. Ayurvedic Pharmacy. 18. Drugs of Mineral origin 19. Fibres, Sutures and Surgical Dressings. 20. Natural Pesticidies, Antibiotics and Allergenic Extracts. 21. Immunomodulators, Adaptogens and Rasayana. Appendices Pharmacognostic Terms Crude Drugs and their Indian synonyms Biological Index Chemical Index General Index.

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